Tuesday, November 16, 2010

No errands for me

I woke up with the same backache I took to bed last night. I was hoping it would work itself out as the day went on, but it didn't. I cleaned the kitchen and sink, and that made me feel better, at least emotionally. But finally I had to call the thrift shop and Maryann. I apologized to them both that I could not keep my commitments to them today. Then I stayed home. I had visions of working in my sewing room, but I found myself going through my gift bag looking for gifts to send home for Christmas. Until my back seized violently, and then I laid on the floor for awhile, then went to bed. It got a little better, but remained worse than when I woke up. I spent quite some time on my computer looking up studies showing that amalgam fillings cause mercury poisoning to send to my dentist friend. I came across an article about Weston Price. He found that root canals cause all sorts of diseases because the tooth harbors bacteria that antibiotics can't reach. Reportedly he cured many people of arthritis and other diseases by removing their treated tooth/teeth. He also discovered that remote native populations practice no dental care, but also have no tooth decay. But that changes when they are exposed to Western processed foods.
* Here is my star quilt as it stands. Any suggestions for extending it to twin size would be appreciated. *

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For the star quilt, what happened to the black? With the new fabric it looks too busy. Just my opinion though, you need to consider the person with the twin bed. AL