Tuesday, November 30, 2010

SIWA Bazaar (and my birthday)

Got up again at 8 with the alarm. I rushed breakfast and e-mail so I could be at the DHL by 9:15. I did take a moment to discard some recyclables on the way out. I waited at the taxi stand for MAryann and Mary, but it turned out that they were waiting for me inside. Steven came, too. The 4 of us took a taxi to the Grand Hilton Seoul. The SIWA bazaar was inside the conference center. We waited in a long line for the doors to open after buying our paper bracelets. The main room was full of tables from other countries selling representative items. I bought a bunch of stuff, some for me (it is my birthday), some for Christmas presents. No pics of that for obvious reasons. After gift shopping, we went into the other room where the different countries were selling prepared foods, hot and cold. I had a bite to eat there and then the others found me. We dropped our bags in a corner and I watched them while the others got food. We had to eat sitting on the floor because it was that crowded. We had a good time chatting, and finally we went topside to catch the shuttle back to Itaewon. We passed a large demonstration, very crowded and lined with uniformed police. I think they were protesting the lack of response to the NK attack. When we got to Itaewon, we walked back to post through gate 8, and back to the hotel where our cars were parked. I gave Geri a ride home, and then parked in the parking lot by my gate. I was so tired that I put the seat back and had a small nap. Then I hauled my bags home. I put everything away and tidied up in the kitchen. Chris called to see about taking me out for dinner, but I was too tired. After he got home, I fell asleep on the couch. Around 8:30 I roused myself to get back on the computer. I was greeted by multitudinous birthday wishes from people in the states. Is there anyone who doesn't know it is my birthday? Seems not. I read through most of my e-mail. I learned about the benefits of niacin for sleeping, detoxification, and stress-relief. I have to get up early tomorrow so I am glad I took two naps, since it is almost midnight now.

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