Thursday, November 4, 2010

Small class

Thursday is my busiest day. Before going to the thrift shop, I worked on the laundry Michele started, defrosted some liver (she hasn't noticed that yet) and pulled some stuff for class from my stash. Then at the shop, I shelved all the books, threw out some stuff that has been sitting in the book bin for some time, and got caught up on all the media. Then I went home at 2. My student canceled, so I had some time to myself. I cut up onions and started onion soup in the crock pot. But I did not have quite enough water. Since my back has not been happy this week, I could not take the chance of putting in a new bottle myself. And Michele was away at college. I spent far too long trying to decide what new seeds to buy for sprouting, and then I finished the laundry and went next door. The lady took me to the management office to get a parking sticker. They also changed the battery in the clicker so I can get in and out of the gate. Then I had a bite to eat and went to class. I went early because Maryann wanted to cut some fabric before class, but she never showed up. However, I was able to set up everything and get a head start on the project - a strip-pieced placement. Cathy came by with the star quilt top that she finished. Only two people came to make a placemat. Then we cleaned up and went home. Michele still wasn't home and the place was dark and deserted. It had a very lonely feel to it. I called her and she was staying late at college to watch a movie. I told her I needed water. I considered asking our neighbor but thought I could hold out a little longer. I read e-mail until Chris got online, then talked to him for awhile. Now it is time for me to go to bed, but he just got up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fern, thanks for sharing this.
It gave me the idea of what to do with the various halloween fabrics I have. Hope you have a good week. AL