Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

We awoke about 9. Had to wake up Michele to open presents. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? I had the best time guessing what I had wrapped up for Chris and Michele. What made it even more interesting was that I didn't tag about half of the gifts. It seemed so obvious at the time. Oh well, they seemed to have a good time anyway, and I know I did. After we opened presents, I had breakfast while Michele tried her hand at knitting (she got yarn, needles, and an instruction booklet) and Chris worked on bean soup for supper. It needed to cook all day. We watched episodes of MacGyver (we have 6 seasons of it now), and then in the late afternoon Romaric came over for gaming. I tried to read my new book "Turning the Solomon Key", but it was just too noisy. Finally I gave that up and took up the quilt that I started a few days ago. I watched "Night in a Museum" which was playing on TV. I only got two blocks embroidered because the thread caught, the machine jammed, when I got it going again, it was in the wrong place, etc. Had to take stitches out. But, it is ready to go for design three tomorrow. Chris' parents and sister Skyped us from Brazil (where it is warm). I think the temp here is in the single digits. It is almost 1 am, so I am going to bed now.

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