Thursday, December 23, 2010

A day of errands

I did not stay up long last night. My upper back was screaming at me, so I put on the top and bottom border and went to bed. There was no way I was going to finish in time, so I decided I would give her a Christmas cracker with chocolate in it. It was a comparable gift. That thought allowed me to sleep. Chris had today off, so we slept in until 9. I had breakfast, shower, e-mail, etc. and then Chris drove me to the thrift shop so he could get my car inspected. He also went to the PX. I called him when I was done (or rather was told we were quitting for the day), he was at his office. He picked me up and drove me to the gate. Michele came down and went to the bank with Chris. When they came back, Michele went home and I went with Chris to gate 17. But now I had my warmest coat on. We walked to the kimchi place and back for 2 kilos of kimchi. Then we went to the commissary for chicken and celery. I was glad to get home because it was so cold and getting colder. We watched a movie and then I went back to making my quilt as they watched another. I added another row to the quilt and the rest of the borders. Then I went to the old computer to find embroidery designs to go in the blank blocks. But I had trouble with it as usual. Now it is after midnight and I have just finished gathering the designs I need from all the places I have them stored.
* Here is another quilt from the S.I.Q.S. This one has puffy flowers sewn on top. *

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