Friday, December 3, 2010

IMCOM Christmas party

I made the sandwich and went back to bed. I had nowhere to go so I slept in until almost 9. I had breakfast and skimmed my e-mail. I juiced a bunch of celery with carrots and fresh cranberries. It was quite good. I washed two loads of fabric, but did not have time to iron them. I made a purse for Maryann (who is going to give it as a gift), and almost finished it by the time Chris came home. Then I got dressed for the Christmas party, wearing my darker sparkly top and black pants. I wore black hose under the pants, and was glad I did, 'cause it was COLD outside. We walked to post, drove to Commisky's, and caught a bus to Songnam. It was warmer inside. I talked to a bunch of people, some of whom I knew, and some new ones. Might have a new quilter! The dinner was lovely. The tables were nicely set. A band played three numbers. I was disappointed that they weren't Christmas songs. Santa Claus came, apparently all the way from Mexico by the sound of his voice. He gave joke gifts to the new CG, and some others. Then we went to the buses, and back to post. The bus was hot and our car was cold. Brr. Soon enough however, we were home and sitting at our computers. Chris went to bed early, and now I am going to bed late.

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