Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Snow Day

I woke at 8 hearing the alarm. Chris had already gone to work. I exercised, and ate breakfast in front of my computer. When out in the hallway I heard such a clatter, I sprang from my computer to see what was the matter. Actually, the clatter was only the chimes on the door jingling as Chris walked in. He said post was closed due to snow. I was glad to hear that because it was almost time to go to the thrift shop and I wanted to stay home. Yippee! I did as much at the computer as I could stand. Then took my leave. I had lunch, I copied a folded box, and I hung Christmas cards. Actually, I hung them twice because the string broke the first time and they all fell down. If any of you, my readers, sent me a card, it is up there. I hung them on a string because it reminds me of the way my grandmother displayed her cards every Christmas. The rest of the day and evening, we finished watching season 1 of MacGyver and started season 2. Chris baked three large sweet potatoes and I ate one for supper. We also had other leftovers for supper.
Because we have lunch plans for tomorrow, I will not be making another sandwich. Not to mention, he came home before lunch so he did not eat today's sandwich. However, those lunch plans are dependent upon cooperation from the weather. Let's cross our fingers.

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