Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Quilt in an evening?

I made the sandwich last night so I wouldn't have to get up. I had the alarm set for 8 again, but did not get up until 9. I was ready by 10 for my student, and she was late. She almost finished the purse she started last week, but then decided she wanted to make an apron for her mother for Christmas. There was only 5 min left in her lesson. But I let her start anyway. Then she wanted to cut some fabric for a checkbook cover and I told her she had to choose which project to work on. I let her go over because she was excited to sew. Her father picked her up and I went to the computer to print out some stuff for the Newcomer's briefing. I left early so I would have time to get a baby quilt from the storage area that needed tying. So I was 30 minutes early at ACS. I set up my area and started tying. Hardly anyone came, but I signed up 3 people. One of them was the lady at the table next to me. After an hour and a half, I had the quilt tied and the label sewn on the back. Cathy dropped by to sign the Dec. minutes, and I turned them in. Then I went to the thrift shop to buy a soap dispenser. They had just the thing, but I got in a long conversation. Ella, the manager, gave me a plastic cane full of chocolates for Christmas. She was passing them out to the staff. Then I came home intending to make her something for Christmas, which will have to be done by tomorrow morning. Hey, if Eleanor Burns can make a quilt in a day, I can do it in half a day, right?
I ate lunch, and then Chris came home early. I was looking at small projects on the computer. I gave that up, and looked through magazines in my sewing room. Chris made potatoes for supper. Then we (static) and I tried again to find a project. Finally I decided on a small Christmas Irish chain, small enough to fit on a piece of minki I had bought. But then it was so small the design didn't really show up, so I chose another backing and made it two rows larger. But now it is after midnight and it needs borders and batting and quilting and... I just want to go to bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks quite nice! AL