Friday, April 22, 2011

The Day Before....

Today is the day before tomorrow, when I give a presentation on EFT to the International Women in Korea. I have spent all day preparing emotionally for this. Oh, I got a few other tasks done, but mostly have been sitting here in front of my computer. Michele went to college to take an exam. I went nowhere and have been tapping and searching the internet for tapping scripts. I thought I had some here, but can't find them. Apparently the DVD I am bringing is not enough. They want hands-on tapping experience. Well, I may have to make it up on the spot, but that thought makes me REALLY nervous. I am hoping not to have a panic attack on the subway tomorrow. This feeling of anxiety is not new to me, I felt like this every day I went to school as a substitute teacher. I tell myself that at least this crowd won't be as tough as a class of teenagers. They are not wild animals, they won't eat me. Maybe I will be calmer tomorrow. Sometimes the benefits of tapping kick in over night. Wish me luck.
*Quilt from Tokyo show*

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