Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Productive Tuesday

Before I went to the thrift shop, I washed the dark load of fabric. (Yesterday I washed only the light load). I partially dryed it, and then folded each piece in half and laid it on my bed in a stack. I drove toward the thrift shop, stopping at the AnC center to turn in the minutes to Ms. Pak. From the thrift shop I could see ladies unpacking the Hongkong shipment at the Chosun. I spent the next 2.5 hours shelving books and videos, and removing the outdated magazines from the rack. I sorted through them in December, and I still found magazines from 2009 in there. Someone is shelving magazines without sorting them first. When I left the thrift shop, I went to the bank to deposit two checks, and then went to Self=Help to pick up a dryer hose for our DPW-delivered dryer. But they wouldn't give it to me 'cause I don't live on post. I had to call a division of Housing who will send someone over tomorrow to replace it. That is a lot of effort for them when I could do it myself. On the way up to my apt I passed they bicycle that a 4th floor resident has chained to the railing in the stairwell. It makes it difficult to get by and I would like to complain but I don't know who to complain to. It would be a hazard if there were a fire in the building.
Anyway, I ate lunch, and then started ironing all the fabric. I put on a DVD that I got at the thrift shop called "The Book of Eli". It was alright. I also fixed one of the baby quilts that tore when it was being turned right side out. Then Chris came in with two repairs. He used my machine to sew up a hole in his pocket, and I hand-stitched his tie guide. He warmed up soup for supper. I added fiber powder to mine. It keeps me from having more than two bowls of it. I cleared e-mail for the rest of the evening. Before posting, I made his sandwich for tomorrow, started another batch of fermented coconut milk, and laid out my breakfast. I need an early start tomorrow.
* Two quilts from the Tokyo show *

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay I see the dog, rooster and flower but what is the green object above the dog's head? Any clues? The swans quilt is really pretty. AL