Monday, April 4, 2011

Lots of baby quilts done today

I was early leaving for post this morning, so I had time to drop off the recyclables. And still I got to the SPC early. Kennedy was waiting for me. She had 5 quilts that she'd taken home to finish. And she told me all about her photo shoot. After she left, we started setting up. Helle showed us a wallhanging that she'd submitted to a magazine and they published it. Then we had a room full of ladies working on Stork's Nest quilts, and QOV. I brought the minutes for Cathy to sign, and they showed that we made 19 quilts last month. We finished another 9 today, so we are on our way to being ahead for the summer (when most people take off). We discovered that the yellow and green we had gotten to go with some panels on Friday was too thin. We will see if we can exchange them. We worked late, until three. When everyone had left, I planned to play the piano. But it was made such that there was no place to put the music (it was broken off or missing). So I left. I went by ACS to drop off the minutes, but was informed that that office had moved to the AnC center. I went out the back way, and parked in the lot across from Burke towers. It was such a nice day that I sat on a rock and bared one foot to the ground. But I had no book to read so I got bored. Then I thought about the fabric that needed washing and ironing, so I went home. I started a load of fabric, and then juiced my vegetables from yesterday. I decided to make it easy on myself, and only juice cooperative veggies like carrots, celery and cucumber. I did add a few cranberries from the freezer. Chris came home and I finished juicing and ran to get my fabric from the washer to the dryer. He cooked supper and Michele arrived. I pulled my fabric out of the dryer, still damp, when he pulled the sheets off the bed to wash them. I laid out my fabric for ironing. We ate supper and then I turned on the TV and the iron. There was nothing on Korean TV, so I put in a DVD called "The Manchurian Candidate". However the disc was damaged, and I only got bits and pieces. When the ironing was finished, I patched a pair of Michele's jeans. And now, it is time for bed.
* This is another one of Helle's quilts *

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