Sunday, April 3, 2011

Taxes are done!

We made it to church on time, though not by much. The pastor said it was a special Sunday, being half way through Lent. Some sort of celebration Sunday. After church there were snacks as we fellowshipped with our fellow church-goers. Then we went to the commissary for groceries. Did not need much as we ate mostly leftovers last week. We put everything away but the veggies - I planned to juice them. I spent most of the afternoon on my computer, listening to the audios, and meditations, etc. I put together a CD for helping me fall asleep tonight. I ordered something online for my mother's birthday. I wrote the minutes for the month of March. Chris was doing taxes, so I helped a little, and printed out a charitable giving sheet for 2011. I took my niacin today, and Michele told me I was so red that I looked like an oompa-loompa. So I had to look in the mirror - she was right! Then I had to sing the song...
Chris cooked up a large amount of pork for supper. It was really good with kimchi. Then we watched 3 episodes of MacGyver, stopping here and there to look up guest actors that seemed familiar. In the last episode MacGyver spends most of it dead. But he comes back at the end.
* Tokyo show quilt *

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful musical quilt.AL