Monday, April 11, 2011

Productive quilting day(s)

I stayed in bed until 7:45. Then I had a shower, and breakfast with e-mail. Then I felt so tired I considered not going to quilting. That did not make any sense, so I made myself go. I got there on time, but no one showed up for 15 minutes. When the others showed up, we all set up the equipment together. We worked on baby quilts and QOV. I was AMAZED that we made 9 quilts by the time Cathy left. She took them with her to deliver to the hospital. And THEN we finished 6 more. Add that to the 9 we finished last week, and that makes April our most productive month ever.
I was home before three. I checked my e-mail, but very little had come in during the day. So I decided to sew. But I got sidetracked by the Sudoku book. I was just finishing up a puzzle when Chris came home. He started supper and I started something else;) Then I juiced up the veggies I bought yesterday and made a new round of veggie pops. When the chicken was finished, we ate in the living room. Finally Michele came home. I sewed a pile of selvage edges together to add to my rug in progress. Chris put on more episodes of The Big Bang Theory. Tired of seeing my rug so oddly shaped, I pulled a lot of rows out and started over, crocheting until it was time for bed.
* This top is a group effort. I am not sure what we will do with it. *

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