Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Where have all the trees gone?

All I remember about this morning is cleaning the shower floor. Actually, the drain is the part that most sticks in my mind. Gross! But since some of my readers eat breakfast while reading my blog, I shall not describe it further.
I took some recyclables with me when I left the apartment. After dropping them off, I headed to post, and drove to the thrift shop. There were the usual stack of books, but no DVD's and only one video. Ella and Mrs. Chung were not there, so we quit early. I gave Geri a ride to the PX. And since I was there, I did a little shopping. I also ducked into The Four Seasons for some organic tomato seeds, but they didn't have any. I was able to get a bag of soil pods, however. My next order of business was to find a quiet place with grass and trees to read my book. I went to MP hill only to discover that they have cut down almost all the trees. It looked denuded. So I went to another spot that doesn't have a name, but it was too open to the road. Finally I went to the rock by the parking lot behind the AnC center. I bared my feet to make the connection with the earth. Because it was windy, I had to wear my coat, but yet my feet were ok bare. I read for over half an hour, and then left because the ants were biting me. I took my purchases home, and ate lunch while looking at e-mail for awhile. Then I worked on the scrap pile for some time, and made some decisions regarding borders for my dahlia quilt. Chris came home and made buffalo for supper. After we ate, I worked on a red, green and yellow QOV. When Chris hooked up his computer to the TV, I stopped to watch more episodes of The Big Bang Theory. After I finish this post, the only thing left to do is to make Chris' sandwich for tomorrow. Wait - he didn't eat his sandwich today. Too bad, 'cause I made a fresh loaf of bread for tomorrow.
* Another quilt from Tokyo *

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The trees on post were victims to the typhoon that blew through last fall. It does make some area seem so bare!