Friday, August 19, 2011

Back to normal

After breakfast, I continued my clearing of the inbox. I was feeling quite like myself again. And being Friday, there was no where for me to go. I had Michele muscle-test me for the kimchi and it was bad, so I threw it in the food waste down by the recycling center. Being thus out of kimchi and previously out of eggs, I took my egg carton and went to post. I found my car easily. I drove to gate 17 and parked. I went to exit 2 which was open although I had to walk 'around my elbow to get to my nose' to get there. Then the steps up at exit 3-1. I was getting sore from all the steps. I hadn't done them in a month. Buying 10 eggs (that is what the carton holds) was no problem. I just showed the box to the proprietress and she knew. But as for kimchi, she asked me which one? I wanted the cabbage kind, but did not know the word for it. All I could do was lamely repeat 'cabbage'. Finally she said they didn't have it (in Korean). So I chose one that looked like it might be cabbage. I got 1 kilo. I walked back to post, and drove to the lot, then walked home. It was my second time over the pedestrian bridge today. Definitely sore. As I had already walked up the 5 flights to my apartment twice this morning, I decided to take the elevator. I washed the old kimchi jars and put the new kimchi in to ferment on the table. I added a little probiotic to hasten the process. Then I went back to the computer. I got so sick of sitting there, but how else to get through the mountain of e-mail? I watched the movie 'Stitched' all the way through. Usually videos from TQS cancel themselves a few minutes in, but this one didn't. It just buffered when it needed to. Maybe I will renew my membership. From articles and links in my e-mail, I learned the following things: Spirulina is 71% protein, compared to meat which is typically about 30%. Darker roast coffees are better for you than the lighter ones. Like chocolate, the darker the roast, the better, and drink it without milk and sugar. Calories from fructose are far more likely to be stored as fat (and harder on your liver) than calories from any other type of sugar. A regimen of 1 T of curcumin plus 10 mcg of D3 helps clear the cellular debris that leads to Alzheimers.
For lunch I juiced the rest of the veggies, but decided not to drink it all at once. I had some with supper along with leftover bison. Sick of sitting at the computer, I took a break around 8 to do some Sudoku and fell asleep, forgetting the nightly soaking for my sprouts. When I woke up at 3, Chris was in bed with me. I turned on my ipod and fell asleep for a little while., but mostly laid awake until daylight crept in around the edge of the curtain. Chris woke up for awhile...and then I got up for breakfast. But it was quiet outside, so I went down to the courtyard to read. But there was only 45 minutes of my book left. So I came in a little early. Michele was already up and reading her own book. Then I had breakfast and started in again on e-mail. Is there no end to this?
* Here is a picture I think I took on vacation, but can't remember where. *

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