Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First day back

I got a few things done in the morning. I started a loaf of bread in the bread machine. I started a batch of bean sprouts. I started in on the grunchload of e-mail that needs weeding and reading. About 12:30 Chris came home to see how I was doing and to get his cell phone. He pointed out all the veggies that he bought for me, and the bison that was defrosting in the fridge. He asked me to take it out at 4 to finish defrosting. Well, not long after he left, I was feeling a little tired (ha!) and decided to lay down for a bit with my Ipod playing meditations. Would you believe I fell asleep? Chris came home at 5:45 and I hadn't taken the bison out, so he heated leftover pulled pork for supper. I woke up as he was coming in the door. After supper I went back to the computer. I stayed up until 10:30 clearing e-mail. At that point both Chris and Michele had gone to bed, so I was up alone. So I decided I could do my blog in the morning and went to bed myself. I had no trouble going to sleep, but awoke around 2. I turned on my ipod and tried to go back to sleep. After awhile, Chris' alarm went off (he had to be at work at 4:30am). We were very nice to each other, and then he took a shower, dressed, and went to work. I forgot again to make him a sandwich. I tried to go back to sleep, wearing my sleep mask and listening to my ipod. Around 5 I gave up on that, and left the bedroom. I started in on e-mail. I received and replied to e-mail, and listened to some videos. I had forgotten how slow the internet is here. I ate the hardboiled egg from my trip. It was on the edge of going bad. I guess the eggs from before I went on vacation are really bad. The coconut milk is highly fermented, and the fumes alone could knock someone out. Gotta start a new batch of that. I decided to write to my blog and then have breakfast. When I see how I feel, I will decide whether or not I am going to the thrift shop today.

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