Thursday, August 4, 2011

Organizing the sewing area

I slept in until after 7. Dad was up puttering around with breakfast, and Mom was still in bed, but awake. I got her up and bathed, then dressed. I helped her walk to the den where she sat waiting for Dad to get organized. I fed her my kind of breakfast again. She started eating it before I finished putting ingredients in the bowl. So I poured some kefir over it and stirred it up. I was adding things while she was eating, but she didn't mind. The pill routine seemed to take forever again. We tried giving her pills with pudding instead of juice. That worked ok, but she chewed some of the pills. After breakfast she sat in the den while I tried to clean up and organize her sewing area so I could finish one of her quilts. I came across her shorthand textbook. She was still able to read it. It did not make any sense to me. I also found her certificate for completing a course in horticulture many years ago. And I found a 3-D maze with a little metal ball in it. I could not get the ball to go very far so I gave it to her and she worked on it for a while. I also made a dental appointment to get my teeth cleaned. Dad wrote a grocery list for William and one for himself. And he called the audiologist for an appointment. Chris went shopping for ant bait and meat for supper. Then we had lunch around 2. After lunch Dad and Mom went to the grocery store. They were gone for hours. Chris and I were alone... I worked on Mom's quilt and was fnishing it up when they got back. Chris had supper started, but the oven was not heating properly so we ate late. My Dad worked at getting the recyclables organized and put out for tomorrow. He is still doing that (10pm). Chris put out the ant bait and reminded me that it needs to be reapplied every day for a week. He is leaving tomorrow and I am really going to miss him. He has been very helpful and supportive.

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