Thursday, August 18, 2011

Second day back - still not normal

I had read an article on food combining. So I split my breakfast into two parts - one was all the carbs, and the other was protein and fats. I ate the carb portion first, checked e-mail for awhile, and then ate the other part which takes longer to digest. About midmorning I felt like having some kimchi. So I did. It had been in the fridge since before I left. Did it go bad? How can you tell? It always smells and tastes like that. I threw out the three hb eggs. They were definitely bad. And I poured the last of the coconut milk away. The fumes were too strong. I washed the jar and started another batch. I also started a batch of broccoli sprouts. I cleaned paw prints off of the wall in the computer room. I really did not have lunch 'cause my stomach was not feeling cooperative. But around 4 I juiced up the spinach (which was going bad), and half of the celery and cucumbers. I drank all that. I went back to my computer (which had occupied my time all day), until Chris came home. He started cooking the bison for supper. Then a great lethargy came upon me. It's like my circulation got slower and slower. Eating supper helped. But then I went back to the computer, and around 8:30 realized that I needed to go to bed or I would just fall asleep in the chair. I was cursing Paypal for screwing up another transaction. Apparently I opened an account years ago, and now it has my credit card numbers and won't let me use them without going through Paypal. But since I do not know under what e-mail address I registered, or my phone number at the time, or my password, I cannot log into Paypal. I have written to Paypal with no result. I also e-mailed the site I was trying to buy from, and they said so sorry, we only use Paypal. So I went to bed. I thought I would wake up in the middle of the night to post to my blog. I did wake up, but did not get up. For some reason it occurred to me that I have seen goat milk in the grocery store, but not goat meat. I have seen bison meat in the store, but not bison milk. Of course, I would not want to be the one to volunteer to milk a bison. Why I should think of such things in the middle of the night, I don't know. I must have fallen back asleep. I awoke when Chris' alarm went off. While he took a shower, I made him a sandwich. Then I noticed that it was dry outside, and no kids in sight. So I took a book and went down to sit on a bench and rest my bare feet in the sand. It was a nice way to spend an hour. I came back in and had breakfast. There was more e-mail of course. I had it down to 50 unread e-mails yesterday. But I have over 4000 other ones in my inbox. I was amazed to learn that Chris has over 18,000 unread e-mails! And here I thought I was special.

1 comment:

이 철균의 통일 논의 said...

Dear Fern

I'm interested in your articles.
Write an interesting one , a lot more in the future.

And pleased to meet your blog.
