Monday, January 30, 2012

After the unpacking comes the rearranging

I can't name specifically what all I did today, but it took me all day to do it. I raked two boxes of leaves between 2 and 3. Then I had a big salad for lunch. I remember moving big boxes of donation stuff from the front hall, down the basement steps, and into the garage. I rooted around looking for just the right fabric to cover a large peanut can to prop a mirror on. But when I had covered the can and propped the mirror, it was too low. So I used an upturned decorative wastebasket. The height was better, but the propping was all wrong. It needed hanging. So I went looking for the stud finder. I went through all the tools, even placing them in drawers to make them easier to go through next time. But it wasn't until William called that I found it. It was in with the office supplies. Still, I had trouble finding the studs, and the mirror is so heavy that it takes a special kind of hanger, so I decided hanging could wait. I rearranged some boxes and materials in the sewing room to give my bolts of metallics the space they need. I carried a corner shelving unit up to the front porch, and in the front door, into the dining room. Then I was going through a box of old books and papers when Chris came home. We had leftovers for supper. Then we watched episodes of Castle for the rest of the evening. Are we the most boring couple in America, or what?
* I didn't take any pics today, so here is one of our first house in Augusta, as taken last weekend. AKA the little blue house *

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