Friday, January 27, 2012

The boxes are done, sort of.

Today was cool but sunny. My accomplishments include organizing a display in the china cabinet, rooting through every last box in the tornado room, removing all puzzles and games on the big bookcase to make room for the quilting and sewing books and magazines. I put the games and puzzles in Michele's old toybox. Having unpacked (or at least opened) all the boxes, but still not finding the legs to my plastic shelving unit, I cut open brown paper packages. I found several folding chairs, two tennis rackets, a shelf, and a kite. One of the rackets was warped. Should have been in a box. And one package was a pile of shelving legs. Yea! I set up a three shelf unit under the window in the computer room. Now I have two shelves left. Hmmm. I made room between the big bookshelf and the door for the filing cabinet. Sliding it on paper, I was able to move it from one side of the bookcase to the other. The only time I was forced to lay down was when I lifted a box of books off of the rocking chair so I could push it out of the way. I also hung several sheets of plastic along the stairway to keep the heat in place. And I moved the HUGE pile of empty boxes to the garage. After supper I watched a movie called "Far from Home". Chris did not watch it with me. After it was over, I got all the exercise tapes together and weeded out about half. Then I tried to find a binding fabric for one of my quilts to work on tomorrow at the sew-in, but could not find something that went with both the top and the backing. So I pulled out a project I was working on in the apt, and packed up my machine and notions so they are ready to go. Then I re-checked the route so I won't get lost tomorrow. Now all I have to do is get some rest.

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