Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rain, but no flooding

I woke up to a dreary, rainy day. Not too cold, though. I brought up the plants from the garage and set them by the sink. Chris left the bread machine open, which reminded me to make another loaf. Then I fixed my breakfast and ate it in front of the computer. I listened to a really neat BWE mp3. Then I installed curtain rods in the computer room and made a set of curtains to fit. I put Grandma's sewing stuff back in her cabinet. Kurt asked for a pic of her bracelet, and it is the only pic I took today, so here it is. I can't wear it because I don't know how the clasp works. I dealt with several piles in my sewing room. Then I emptied the 4 boxes of VHS tapes onto the shelves Bob brought. It filled up the one and the top shelf of the other. I opened more boxes. Many contained quilting books and magazines. I rearranged the stuff on the bookcase to fit them in, but in the end there were too many. I think they all came from that bookcase, so if they don't fit, it must be because there are items on the bookcase that don't belong there, like games and puzzles. I also found boxes of sheet music. I had no idea there were so many. I will have to winnow down both the music and the quilting book piles. I found some of Michele's books and drawings, and little objets d'art. I went through that, too. I left the boxes of Chris' books and t-shirts. I re-checked the Christmas boxes to make sure there were no other items in there. I REALLY wanted to find another VCR. I even checked the tornado room again after I cleared enough space around the door. I found Michele's easter basket in there. I also came across some computer games she and I used to play together. I'l like to play them again, but they are Windows 95 games. And it wouldn't be the same without her.
In spite of my constant checking, the basement did not flood. No water came in at all. It is a little disappointing because I want to put everything back where it was and now have to leave it out until the next flood so Bob can see it, and do whatever he has to do.
Chris came home and we had leftovers for supper. Then we watched "The Medallion" with Jackie Chan. Chris was tired so he went to bed right after. I checked for water one more time, and might as well go to bed, too. Still raining.

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