Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Finding new space

I was hoping for another sunny day, but it wasn't. Still, the weather was ok. In the morning I had breakfast with e-mail. Then I went downstairs to unpack more. I moved some small shelving units to expose a greater storage space with shelves under the stairs. It's a great idea, though I suppose it would only look good in a basement. I filled the first space. Then as I found more fabric, I added it to whichever pile it seemed to belong to. That creates the problem that the box of that particular fabric is no longer big enough, so I have to either find a bigger box, or find two boxes that fit the volume without lots of leftover space in the second one. Having two boxes is better for fitting on the shelf and for me being able to lift them. Around 1 I took a lunch break. MaryAnn Skyped me. I sat outside with my laptop enjoying the fresh air, until my battery showed REALLY low and I rushed back inside. When we were done talking, the unpacking recommenced. I filled one Nature Cook box with craft supplies, and needed another for the overflow. I had already 'rescued' all the Nature Cook boxes from the garage, so I went out to the carport. I found two that were dry but warped. The rest were wet on the bottom because water had flowed under the pile. There is a grating to stop that sort of thing, but apparently the water went around it. I set two boxes up to dry, hoping against hope that the cardboard may regain some of its strength and rigidity. I used one of the dry boxes, and then used Clexia boxes. They, too, are a nice size for fitting on my shelves and in the cubby holes under the stairs. Then it was supper time. Chris made bean soup and I had two bowls of it. We went down to watch "The Deep". I had never seen it, and did not read the back 'cause I did not want to spoil any part of it. It was very suspenseful and a little frustrating because the suspense scenes went longer then necessary. As usual, we sat huddled under two blankets to keep warm. The suspense left me tense, but since Chris had seen it before, he was more relaxed. In fact, it must have given him 'ideas'. He led me upstairs to bed after the movie. ...and the blog did not get written until morning.
* I forgot to mention that I spent WAY too much time downloading blocks and instructions for sewing projects from www.lynbrown.com. *

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