Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Creating an office space

When I woke up, the thermometer at the head of my bed read 54 F. My first thought was that I left a window open yesterday and a cold front came through, so I went looking for a window to close. But it turned out that when I closed the windows, I forgot to turn the heat back on. Still, 54 seemed kind of low. I remembered seeing another thermometer in the garage. So I brought it up and put it on the bed. Then I fixed breakfast and read my e-mail. Deb told me about ruler folding and I had to try it. I only folded one piece, but it is enough to remind me later to try a whole stack. She says it makes the fabrics take up less room.
My project for the day was to clear all the boxes and 'stuff' on the desk and make it into an office area. There was another box of office supplies in the computer room. So I brought it out to the family room. Then I went through what felt like hundreds of pens, pencils and markers. The pencils were put into one container. Then I tested each pen and marker to weed out the dried up ones. I took a break at 1 to rake in the front yard. The raked part looked so good that I did THREE boxes of leaves instead of the usual two. However, I have to wonder if it would look as good if there were no un-raked part to compare it with. But no, I don't need any reasons to leave the job unfinished. After raking, I made a salad and added some fresh chickweed. It is nutritious and rumored to be good for weight loss. Then I found and tested more pens. I laid everything out in groupings then assigned them to drawers. I split things like pens, paper clips, and glue sticks into two sets, one for here and one for the computer desk area. Some things, like small pads of notepaper were split with the donate pile because there were so many. And the name-address labels got pitched. They ought to be good for something, but what? Chris came home around 5. He ate supper but I wasn't hungry. Kurt and I skyped for a bit, and then it was Castle time. Since we were up so late yesterday, we quit a little early tonight.

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