Sunday, January 29, 2012

Another nice, sunny day

We got up too late for church. I won't say why. After breakfast and e-mail, I cleared some space on my sewing table. I cut some more purple squares to finish the quilt top I was working on yesterday. I also found another large, clear plastic bag to add to the stairwell. Still not quite enough. I went outside to rake leaves for awhile. Using a rake seems like the slowest way to get up the leaves. So I have to keep reminding myself that my biggest reason to be out there is to produce vitamin D in the sun. I heard the guy next door using his table saw, so I set up mine, and cut a shelf to replace a missing one to a bookcase in the computer room. It was enough to handle all the math books I unpacked last week. Then I sat outside to eat my salad. I vacuumed the basement window over the couch and pinned bubble wrap to the ceiling tiles over the window. I figured out how to play a VCR tape in the camcorder by powering it with its battery charger - I can watch it,but the picture is staticy. Next project is to see if it can be hooked up to the TV. I asked Chris to bring up the blue runner and we laid it in hall. Chris made chicken soup for supper. I went back to the sewing room to iron some curtains before packing them away. I 'bubble-wrapped' the other basement window. Then Chris came down to watch Castle episodes. We quit at 10:30. Now I need to find a picture to go with this post.
* Here are the blooming crocuses *

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