Monday, January 9, 2012

Dressing the windows

It started as a typical morning. As I ate breakfast, I listened to an interview with an emergency room doctor who researches the best ways to work out. I did not realize when it started that it would last 2 hours. After an hour and a half I just had to pause it and return to my one and only priority which is getting this house in order. I started with the windows in the living room and dining room. I had to piece together curtain rod sections to get one long enough for the main window. I put two toppers together. But they needed something to hang down the sides. All I had that was long enough was a pair of 6 yard swags. They were too long together, and not long enough individually, so I doubled each one, rubberbanded the extra out of the middle, and fluffed it as best I could. I am not entirely satisfied with the effect, but it will do for now. Putting up curtains did for the room what laying down rugs did not. It feels a little more finished now, in spite of the boxes, etc. Then I took the two tab curtains off of the single windows and added them to the double window with tiebacks. I had to throw something in burgundy on each of the single windows. Satisfied with that, I went downstairs to unpack boxes in the den area. I pulled out more video tapes. Not sure what to do with the Disney ones, I left them in the box. I opened a box with more wallpaper in it. What was I thinking? It also had rolls of cellophane, sticky-backed shelf paper, and laminating film leftover from the library at Westmont. Is there anything I didn't save? Nope. Also found a box of nothing but felt scraps. In my defense, I bought a lot of crafty stuff on yardsales because I usually found myself in charge of VBS crafts with a very small budget. Question is, will it happen again? Do I keep this stuff just in case? Also, I found a great picture of Michele wearing the pink power ranger costume I made for her one year. Too bad we don't have a scanner. That pic is positively SCAN-da-lous!
When I finally took a break for lunch, it was later than I thought. In fact, Chris came home from work just after I finished my salad. We talked for a bit, and he made himself a burrito. Then I took some empty boxes downstairs to the garage. Chris came down and moved a box labeled 'cloth fabric' into my sewing room. It looked like more decorator fabric. I did not get very far into the box. I tried to find boxes that maximize the space on each shelf. I like see-through tubs, but they are built so that the bottom is smaller than the top. What a waste of space! But I guess it is the only way they will stack in the store. About 8 Chris came down and we watched a home-recorded VHS tape. There were two movies. We watched the second one, "Still Almost Human". It was very cute. Then we had to REWIND. So last century. Sigh. Chris left after the beginning of the first movie. But I stayed with it, and it got better. I don't remember the name, but it was about a hockey player turning to figure skating after an eye injury. Cute and romantic. Made me want to take up ice skating again. It was after 11 then, but Chris was still up, though not for long. After I finish this post, I am going to bed and cuing up a sleep mp3 on my laptop. Sadly I do not know how to keep it playing with the screen down so I have to wear eyeshades to block the light.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's called The Cutting Edge.
Ah, I need to go ice skating now. AL in Calif.