Friday, January 13, 2012

Unpacking Michele's boxes

It was freezing outside when I woke up. That did not change over the course of the day. But the sun did come out for awhile. I might use my Happylight tomorrow to make up for all the sun I am missing. Today I did two loads of laundry: one was Bob's towels, so they would not mildew. The other was miscellaneous items that I found in boxes as I unpacked. Mostly I did boxes marked "Girl rm". I figured that they would be easiest. Stuff worth keeping would go back in the box and anything else gets trashed or donated. But I found non-girl stuff mixed in. One box had a whole bunch of pillowcases. Some of them were the missing ones to sets in the closet. One marked 'hangers' had a few hangers, plus clothes, knicknacks, jewelry, and shoes. One box was almost all American girl dolls and their clothes (and their horse). Then there was the Harry Potter legos and trains, L5R cards, and a binder of Pokemon cards. Bet they aren't worth anything now. I must have a collection of just about everything 'cause I found a box of unused picture frames, and empty baby food jars. Must have been for some craft I can't remember now.
Bob came over to fix the leak in the wall. I told him about the water in the closet. That really set him back. But finally he did remove the paneling and check the hole in the floor under it. Whatever he had sealed it with had cracked. So he borrowed a hairdryer and dried it out. He said he would come back tomorrow to seal it with something else. Chris came home early. Then after Bob left, I ate lunch and Chris ate supper and we watched "Around the world in 80 days", a Netflix DVD. It ended at 9. I spent some time matching pillow cases with their sheets, and then tried out the electric blankets I found. One did not work at all, and one only worked on one side. Chris helped me move the coffee table from the dining room to its proper place in the living room. I got an e-mail from someone looking for moving boxes. They would like to come tomorrow with a U-Haul. Yea!
And now I am retiring for the night. Thanks to Kurt, I can now listen to my sleep mp3 on my laptop with the lid closed.

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