Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What an extrordinary day!

I awoke a little early, or just did not doze as long as usual. I took a shower and fixed breakfast. I read a little e-mail. Then I started unpacking. I don't remember which room I was in when I heard someone outside. It was Cindi from two days ago. She came with her van (and two dogs) to pick up some boxes, and almost everything on the donate pile. She brought me plants: an aloe, peace plant, cactus, and spider plant. We walked around the backyard enjoying the unidentified flowers that are springing up. A few yellow crocuses were blooming in the garden. After she left, I unpacked book boxes in the basement. Bob came by with his helper. They put up sheets of OSB to protect the foundation from rain. They also laid down towels in the basement to soak up any water that gets through. I told him that I wanted to build a bookcase but did not have a vehicle large enough to bring home a 4x8 sheet of plywood. He said he could get me one next time he came by. Little did I know he would come by later today as I was sitting outside to eat lunch. He was pulling a trailer behind his truck. He said they were demolishing a kitchen and he had shelving and cabinets to throw away. Did I want them, he asked? Oh yes. I was very happy. He and his helper brought in the shelves, and put the cabinets and formica top in the carport. Oh yes, what a wonderful day! I was practically dancing in my bare feet. Additional shelving! For free! Ok, so he had to leave. I think I unpacked another box or two in the basement. I found 4 boxes of VCR tapes - in addition to all the ones I unpacked before! And I found boxes of quilting magazines - more than I remember having! I took a break outside to do some raking. I found a 'path' around the flowerbed. I cleared it, and started lining it with leftover bricks to border the bed. Then Chris came home. After he changed his clothes, he unpacked the boxes in his closet. One had quilting magazines in it, which he took downstairs for me. In the other one, I removed a pot of artificial flowers. Under that was an assortment of sewing supplies. There was a bracelet box with a thin strip of tying paper proclaiming "My Charm Bracelet". On the bracelet inside were 4 head silhouettes with names and birthdays on the back. There was a bride and groom charm, an accordion, and a Boston Terrier. It had to be my grandmothers bracelet. I wondered at first how it could show up here, now, when I had never seen it before. Then I realized that it must have been in her sewing cabinet and the packers dumped all the contents in a box three years ago. I don't know why, but it made me cry when I saw it. Chris gave me a big hug. Then we ate leftover chicken, and went downstairs to watch our lastest Netflix arrival - Captain Correli's Mandolin. It was pretty good, though kind of sad. It wasn't late, so we went upstairs to watch an episode of BBT on the CBS website. Now it is almost 11 and time to retire. The wind is blowing and there is a flash flood watch in effect. I wonder what I will wake up to in the morning.

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