Thursday, February 2, 2012

Before and After

I did not shake the coconut milk this morning, but it did its shaken soda imitation anyway. After breakfast I installed the new shower filter head. I have been putting it off for some time because I thought something might go wrong. But after a bit of tapping, I did it. The hardest part was getting the old one off, but it worked out ok. Then I took a shower. I finished unpacking a box of papers. I moved all the Sudoku and puzzle books from the bookcase downstairs to a bookcase upstairs. I found my Nutrisystem book nearby. Here are my before and after photos. Why didn't I think to wear the same outfit for both photos? Having set up my desk and office area yesterday, I tested it out today. I wrote a check and a Thinking of You note. It was nice to have everything I needed in one place. Except for my date planner. I haven't seen it since we left the apartment on post. Anyway, I ran them out to the mailbox around 11:40. Then when I noticed the SE corner of the lawn was in sun, I started raking it, or rather teasing it. The grass (a term which is too kind for most of the lawn) is a bit long and has grown up through the leaves so I have to tease the leaves and twigs out. I saw three of my neighbors come home and get their mail. I have seen the mail come at noon, but I guess it was early today, or late that day. Anyway, it was such a beautiful day that I did not want to go inside when I finished raking. So I did a little weeding in one of the flower beds. I selected one weed to research on the net to see if it is edible. I had a heck of a time identifying it. I think it is a dove's foot geranium. If so, decoctions of it can be used for medicinal purposes. I think I'll skip it. For lunch I had the chicken soup and a salad of chickweed, clover, and deadnettle. After lunch I went through a box of Michele's stuff in my bedroom, then carried it downstairs. I have been setting aside stuff for her, and I boxed it all up and put it in the tornado room. I cleared off the diningroom table, brought up a lamp to match one already in the livingroom and another smaller one for the desk. Finally I sat down to watch our latest Netflix arrival - Silk Stockings with Fred Astaire. Chris came home while it was running. He fixed himself a burrito, and I had a turkey burger. When my movie was over, we went downstairs to finish season 3 of Castle. After that, I called up the last week's episode of BBT on CBS and we watched that. Chris went to bed, and I went to blog.

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