Saturday, February 4, 2012

Organizing can be so liberating

Because it was Saturday we lingered in bed before getting up for breakfast. Then breakfast meandered into e-mail, and I lingered over that, too. MaryAnn skyped me for a bit. She said they'd had bad weather. Then she had to go, and I did too. I went through a box of records to keep only my favorites, yet thinking when will I ever play them again? The record player is not even hooked up because it is too far from the receiver. Even though I can't imagine there are any songs on those records that are not on Youtube, still I kept most of them. Then it rained. Thanks, MaryAnn.
I 'liberated' a piece of pegboard from the garage to hang in my sewing area. Chris helped with the installation. Don't you just love the word 'liberated'? Sounds so much better than 'ripped off the wall'. Then I shredded all the papers from the buying, selling and refinancing of two homes. I felt sorry for all the trees that were involved. Hopefully some day such transactions will be paperless. I took out three bags of paper shreds. Then I picked salad greens from the lawn. There were two kinds that were similar and I kept mixing them up. So I rechecked on the internet. One set I could not identify so I threw them away. The others went into a salad with tomatoes. Then we went grocery shopping. When we got back, Chris went downstairs to go through some boxes of books. It made me very happy. Then we had leftovers for supper. I lost track of time looking through my e-mail trying to pare down the 75 unread e-mails to 50. I didn't quite make it. Around 9 we went down to watch episodes of Babylon 5. And that is pretty much it for today.

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