Friday, February 17, 2012

Wedging in more time to sew

I woke up early this morning. Got up for breakfast, but read some e-mail first. After breakfast, and more e-mail, I resumed sewing. I made another strip set for piece #2, to replace the ones I made yesterday. Then I finished one wedge of the green and purple kaleidoscope quilt. I packed those pieces in a box to go to class on Saturday. I also put in scissors, pins, rulers, etc. For some reason I broke off a little early for lunch. I had defrosted a pound of organic beef. So I was able to put it in a pan with some chopped onion on low heat. Then I went outside to pick some greens. The good ones are getting harder to find. When I got back the beef was cooked. I cleaned and prepared the salad and put the beef on top. Then I took it outside and ate it, then read for a bit. It was such a nice day that I took off my shoes and socks and grabbed the rake. I raked a boxful from the front yard and was starting a second when Chris came home. They gave him 59 minutes at work. I dumped the leaves, put away the rake and went in. We talked for a bit, then I went down to sew. My phone rang and Chris brought it down to me. When I finished talking to Alison (she has chickens and sells the eggs), I came up for some fruit. Then I went down again. I searched my whole stash for some fabric that could substitute for a strip set. But not much spoke to me. I had figured out how to cut all the pieces for a kaleidoscope quilt without any leftovers, but I wanted to try it with 'cheater' fabric in case it did not work as I expected. The one piece that might work went into the box so I will have something to do tomorrow. Then I found some strips that were someone else's leftovers from a LONG time ago. At first I wasn't sure if she had just started the project or she had finished and all the strips were extras. (She died so I couldn't ask her). I decided they were leftovers and fair game. Since the fabrics were pretty together, I sewed two opposing strip sets and cut the pieces. I sewed the first wedge and liked it so much that I make another. Chris was upstairs playing with the voices. I was waiting for him to finish so we could watch more B5. He finished around 10 and we watched two episodes together. I am not completely packed for tomorrow, but hopefully will be able to finish in time tomorrow morning. After class we are going to replace our large TV. I am really looking forward to being able to read names as they appear on screen. I don't need glasses, just larger TV's as I get older.

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