Thursday, February 9, 2012

Getting away from the house

When I got up, I looked out the window and saw the neighbors had put out their recycling. We don't have a bin yet and the recycling is supposed to be out by 7. But it was not yet 8 so I took a chance. I put all the paper in a large white trash bag and wrote 'RECYCLE' in large letters. I set it out by the driveway. Then I prepared and ate my breakfast. I spent more time reading e-mail than I normally would. I had made an appointment to meet Linda T at noon to give her my quilt to finish on her longarm. I did not want to get into the middle of something and forget to show up on time. Still, I did go down to rifle through the box of scraps that came my way Tuesday night. After I had selected a few to keep, I decided to try ruler-folding again. I measured the opening of one cabinet - 14 inches. So I used my 12.5 inch ruler to fold a stack of fabric that completely filled the cabinet. Now there was a few inches of clear space at the top. But is it enough to justify the effort of refolding my entire collection? Then I grabbed my keys and headed to the church where we agreed to meet. Apparently I misunderstood the exact place, but she found me. She liked the top and was eager to work on it. Then she told me that another quilt guild meets at this church on the third Thursday of each month and they have over 80 members. I will have to check them out. After she left, I went across the street to Hallmark. I was shopping for a Valentine card for Chris. I read so many. Do I buy a heartfelt one, or a light-hearted one? It is so hard to be so indecisive. I paid for my purchase and went home. Cyndi had forwarded an e-mail from the Madison Freecycle group where someone was offering a VCR. So I responded to it, but figured it was probably too late. I noticed it was a little sunny outside, so I went out to rake. This time I raked around the magnolia tree. I discovered a patch of dandelion there, and another wild plant that is edible. I raked carefully so as not to disturb my future lunches. After a few boxfuls of leaves and cones, I went to the garden to pick up more dead stalks. There were also branches and I stacked them near the property line so the neighbors could mulch them if they wanted. Cyndi showed up then. She brought me an edger and some pots. She took empty boxes, paper, and most of the donation pile. She told me about her conspiracy theories. We saw an airplane trail in the sky and she thinks it is spraying us with chemicals which are killing the bees. Hmm. After she left, I collected more stalks. William called to share what he found at the Goodwill. But he did not find a VCR. He made the comment that I must be bored, not having a job, or groups to volunteer for. I told him he obviously wasn't reading my blog.
I moved boxes of paper to the carport, and cleaned up an area along one wall to put the base cabinets that Bob brought over two weeks ago. Chris came home as I finished it. I asked him if he thought it was possible for us to move the cabinets from the carport to the garage. He thought it would be difficult. Bob called earlier to say an appliance repair person was coming to fix the stove tomorrow and that he would come too. So maybe Bob can move the cabinets tomorrow. Chris made more asparagus for supper and some tilapia. Then Michele skyped us. It was so good to see and hear her, all the way from Korea. We asked how the apartment was, and she did not want to comment. She said the frig was almost empty, and that her roomates friends had eaten all the ramen we left. So her big project for the day was to go shopping. She wanted a tour of the house, so Chris carried his laptop to every room. It went kind of fast, I hope we didn't make her dizzy. Then we said goodbye, and went down to watch "The Librarian". It was cool, but not as great as Indiana Jones. We also watched an episode of Babylon 5 after I gave Chris the sad puppydog look. Then he went to bed. There is no reason to stay awake, so I will go, too.
* This is the weed that I can't identify. Any one know what it is? *

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