Monday, February 20, 2012

Can you tell where the replacement fabric is?

We stayed in bed later than usual. Because it was President's Day, Chris had the day off. Deb had asked me to do a tutorial on the tangram I made that goes from a rectangle into a 30 degree wedge. So I had been thinking about it as I went to sleep last night, and again as I woke up this morning. I even thought about it through breakfast. I was eager to get into my sewing room and work out the details. But before I could work on that, I had to clear the previous project - the kaleidoscope in blues. For some reason I could not just put it away. I sewed as much as I could without the last strip. Then I searched my collection for the closest match. I cut a strip of that, and continued on. I went through the trash to get the little bits of the missing fabric no bigger than trimmings. I pieced them together to complete the center star. But I have to decide whether the replacement fabric is close enough or if I should search some more. When I did put it aside, I then needed to put away the fabrics from the project before that - the green and purple kaleidoscope. Then I was ready to go outside. I raked leaves in the side yard for an hour in my barefeet. Then I laid on the low brick wall around the patio and read a book. But it wasn't a very comfortable position. I went inside and had a bite to eat, then went down to sew. Chris was already down there, finishing up a Batman movie. I worked out how to cut pattern pieces without seam allowances with a minimum of cuts. But the important thing is to be able to cut the fabric pieces with a minimum of cuts and that was harder because the pieces don't fit so nicely with seam allowances added. I tried it out on a small scale with a striped fabric. The first effort was unsatisfactory but the second one seemed much better. Chris came down to watch B5 with me. We finished another DVD, but not the season. Now he has gone to bed and I shall be along soon.

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