Friday, February 24, 2012

A Dr. Seuss moment

When I woke up, my throat was on fire. I tried meditating it away and was partially successful. I meant to do the Silva meditation, but it has been so long that I couldn't remember all the phrases. I drank some water, read some e-mail, had breakfast, and read more e-mail. It was cooler than yesterday, but it felt good to get out of the house. So I raked inside the fence. It was windy which did not help. I also raked by the flower bed. I picked a few greens, blended them, poured over a salad. I also had a green egg from the carton of chicken eggs I bought yesterday. A little ham would have made it the perfect Dr. Seuss moment, ha! I took a nap after lunch. I was feeling much better. I cleared space for the small TV upstairs in the family room. Then I went into the garage. Using a level, I shimmed cabinets that Bob brought over weeks ago. Then the countertop fit much better. I swept the floor, moved boxes and other stuff around to make some room. Then I opened the pingpong table. I intend to clean it off so I can use it for quilting. But the level of each side did not match. Not sure how to fix that. Changing gears, I finished the blue kaleidoscope circle, but now have to come up with a background. I went up to google images of other kaleidoscope quilts for ideas. Chris came home with two burritos from the Mexican restaurant on his way home from work. His was the spicy beef and mine was beef tongue. It has been a while since I had that. All sorts of 'tongue' phrases are now occurring to me, but I will resist them all. This is a G rated blog. I could not eat all of the burrito shell or the rice, but I did eat the meat. Chris finished it for me. Then we watched 4 episodes of B5. Chris went to bed and I am about to join him.

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