Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Don't shake the coconut milk...

...when the jar is full and it has been fermenting overnight. Just little tip I learned today while cleaning up puddles all over the kitchen.
Last night I prayed for an answer to all the glassware on the dining room table, and this morning I moved most of it to the shelf above the cupboards. It looks nice, but I wouldn't want to be standing in the kitchen if we have an earthquake. I also unpacked boxes of files into the filing cabinet. I selected a number of outdated ones to be shredded. I also discovered that I probably have every letter and card I ever got. Bags and bags of them. I loved re-reading what was written. But where and how shall I store them? Alphabetically? Chronologically? Randomly? In one of the boxes was more desk supplies. I know what to do with those.
Mary Ann skyped me around lunch time. We had a good chat. I did not do any raking because it was raining. However, no water came in the basement or in the garage. I wanted to scrub the leaf stains off of the porch, but I need a nylon scrubbie for that and I can't find one. Chris stopped at Kroger's on the way home for a few groceries. He cooked some organic turkey burgers for me and burritoes for himself. We went downstairs to watch episodes of Castle. We must be almost finished with season 3 by now.

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