Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sewing in the sun

We did not go to church today. After nearly infecting someone with a depressed immune system yesterday, I figured it was safer to stay home. Maybe if all contagious people did that, I would not be sick now. We ate breakfast and read e-mail instead. I drank two cups of white tea with honey. My throat improved considerably but now my nose is running. It was such a nice day that I had to go out. I laid in the grass and read for awhile. Then I tried a little sewing. I added a pocket to my sling purse (which it has desperately needed for a year). But I needed the fresh air. So, since there are outlets on the patio, I set up the patio table, covered it with an old sheet, and set up my sewing machine. I patched a pair of Chris' jeans, set in points on the blue kaleidoscope quilt, and brainstormed a way to use up the leftovers from the green and purple one. Chris did two loads of laundry and went to the grocery store. I fixed myself a salad for supper. Chris made himself a chicken burrito. Then we watched 5 episodes of B5. Tonight I know exactly what photo to add to this blog post. But I'll do it from the desktop computer so all my pictures are on the same hard drive.

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