Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We haven't changed a bit

As I ate breakfast, I perused my e-mail and came across some interesting info. There is a new thing in grocery stores called MAP produce - modified atmosphere packaging. It is a plasticy film added to fresh produce to keep it fresh longer. Organic produce is not exempt, so beware. A short Youtube video showed a woman peeling this film off of a piece of Romain lettuce. The article claims it has been done to tomatoes, too.
Also looked up Willard Water (allegedly helps your body absorb more vitamins and minerals), and that led me to shungite, which is supposed to detoxify water. I could not find any info on these reportedly healthy products that wasn't from a site selling the product.
When I'd had enough, I shut the laptop, took a shower and considered going out to the shopping plaza and to the bank. But when I noticed my phone was discharged, I plugged it in and decided to go later. I watered the plants in the living room. One fell and spilled dirt, so I got out the Kirby to clean it up. I did more vacuuming upstairs and some downstairs. I unpacked a very large, ornate mirror that has been sitting in the diningroom covered in cardboard and paper. I carried pictures around the house to see which ones will look best in certain locations. I did some outdoor work too, picking up more dead stalks from yesterday. Then I went inside to get my purple quilt ready for quilting. I had to pull out a couple rows of the hand stitches my mother put in. Then I took all the pins out. I separated the three layers. I pressed the top and backing. The backing was just slightly larger than the quilt top, so I sewed some leaders on each end. Then I was ready to go shopping. But it was 3pm, and time for raking. I raked up two boxes in the front yard, and another in the driveway area. Then I picked some greens for lunch. I made a salad and ate it while checking for new e-mail. Chris came home while I was listening to an audio clip about QuikLearning. Chris fixed asparagus and we ate it with leftovers. I phoned Linda to arrange a meeting tomorrow to drop off the quilt top. Then I called up the latest episode of Castle from the ABC website and we watched it on my laptop. When that ended, we went down to watch "Mysterious Island", from Netflix. Chris went to bed, and here I sit, surprised to learn that I did take a photo today. This is our wedding picture, which I haven't found a place to hang yet.

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