Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another productive day

Got up for breakfast but it was too early, before 7am. So I went back to bed, to meditate with my ipod. When that was over, I thought I remembered Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan in B5) from an earlier series called "The White Shadow". But when I looked it up on IMDB, that was Ken Howard. So where do I know Bruce from? Turns out to be The Scarecrow and Mrs. King. I looked that up on Youtube, and what I found was lots of montages put together with love songs. You'd think it was a show about romance. But no, it is a spy show. Anyway, he's pretty hot in the montages. On Youtube one video seems to lead to another, and soon I found myself watching Pierce Brosnan on the David Letterman show denying rumors that he was going to be the next James Bond. Ha, ha. Now in the mood for breakfast, I prepared and ate it. I also read e-mail. I posted a tutoring announcement to Craig's list. I realized that I was feeling better than yesterday and I attributed it to the hydrogen peroxide treatment, so I did it again today. Then William called to tell me he had found a TV antenna. I got an e-mail from Chris about impending inclement weather. So I went outside and did some raking to get some fresh air while the getting was good. Actually it was hard to quit since the lawn (aka weeds) looks so much better after I rake. Still, it was threatening to rain. I unloaded and restacked the dishwasher. I went down to sew. I finished the corners of the purple and green quilt top, and cut and sewed on the last point of the blue quilt top. I am quite pleased with both. Then I found AV cables and took the PS2 upstairs to the small TV. I hooked it up with a controller and a mat. William called again to get my address so he could mail the items. Then I tried out DDR on a very simple song. I made a 'c'. Well, it has been a long time. So I tried again, doing much better. Or so I thought. Still got a 'c'. I took a break with my laptop. I was watching a free-motion quilting video when Chris came home. I tried DDR one more time, but still only got a 'c'. Must be rigged. Chris made a large omelette for our supper while I took a shower. Then we ate. I wrote a few notes for my blog and then went to the piano to warm up vocally. I had planned to go to choir practice, but wasn't quite sure that I am not contagious. So I went long enough to pick up the music for Sunday and came home. I can practice at home without infecting anyone. Chris and I went down to watch 2 episodes of B5. In the second episode the oldest being in the universe convinces the Vorlons and the Shadows to pass beyond the rim with him. Suddenly the war is over. So now how do they fill another season and a half? Maybe I'll find out tomorrow. Anyway, it was still early enough for Chris to work on some personal project on the computer. So I called up the latest episode of Castle on my computer and ran it full screen. That way I can watch it from the recliner. After the episode played, I saw that there are Castle quizzes on the website. I did three of them. I made a 70, an 80 and a 60. Time for bed.

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