Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What is it?

When I got up for breakfast, I saw the bread machine waiting for me with its lid open. So I started a batch of bread. Then I prepared and ate breakfast. After breakfast I remembered the old hydrogen-peroxide-in-the-ears trick for stopping a cold. I think it is supposed to be done at the first sign of a cold, so I did it twice during the day. I also folded two baskets of laundry and put most of it away, pulling out some of the raggedy socks. I took another hot shower, but it did not get as hot as yesterday. I looked online for lost dog postings to see if anyone had lost the dogs we found last week. Their time at the animal shelter is limited. And I posted in fidofinder.com. My jar of coconut milk was collecting a buildup of coconut solids, so I cleaned out the jar, and started a new batch of fermentation in another jar. It was about noon then and the sun was out, so I raked 2 boxes of leaves, pinecones and straw in the side yard. The cones were hidden like Easter eggs in the thatch. The ones I did not see, I found with my feet. Finally I went into my sewing room to work on the kaleidoscope quilts. I am so excited about my latest idea that I can't wait for me to finish it so I can see how it will turn out. While I was working, Chris came home and I was surprised to find it was after 5. He had supper while I ate lunch. Then we read our respective e-mails for awhile before starting season 4 of B5. This seems to be the part where it gets weird and dark and violent. Chris just went to bed, so I guess it is my turn now.
**I did not take any pics today, so here is one of something I found while unpacking that I have not been able to identify. **


Mary h. said...

It is a dish cloth shaped like a barbie dress.

Anonymous said...

I think it is something you are supposed to hang up and then dry hands with. Although I would personally rather use a towel.
AL from Ca.

Kelly said...

Will it fit over a bottle of dish soap? I've seen some crochet patterns design to do that, but I can't tell if this one is supposed to.