Friday, February 3, 2012

Finding old pictures

I really put the shredder through it's paces today. I had quite a bit of former bills to dispose of. In the past, come January, I would pull out everything over 2 years old, and burn it. Since we did not bring our files to Korea, it hasn't been done in awhile. And here, there is no place to burn. So I shredded. It just isn't as satisfying.
I also moved things from downstairs up, and from the upstairs down. Still trying to get everything in its proper place. I matched lamps with their shades and changed out the ones in the livingroom. I went through 2 more boxes of papers. I found old pictures of family (see Kurt with hair!), friends, and 'friends'. Also former students who wrote nice things on the back of their senior pics. Even my old algebra lesson plans. Such a different life than the one I have now.
Today was not sunny, but windy. I went out after lunch to rake the lawn. The lady next door came over to introduce herself. She also told me a bit about the neighborhood. I have been wanting to meet her and her husband. While she and I were talking, Chris came home. He had two boxes of supplements for me. I thought I had ordered them to come to our home address, but I guess they still have our P.O. box. Since we finished the Castle DVD's, Chris went by the library and got a season of Babylon5 and Max Headroom. After supper I read the dictionary, trying to write a winning poem for the Bali Batik's contest. Then we went downstairs to watch TV. We started with Max Headroom, but after 2 or 3 episodes, we switched. I had never seen it before and Chris said it was hokier than he remembered. So then we saw Babylon 5. That was ok. It was the first episode, which I do not remember seeing. Chris was falling asleep, so we turned it off after that. He went to bed, and I am trying to blog while fielding texts on Skype.

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