Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hanging pictures in the bathroom

After breakfast, I put a nail in an old pair of shoes - raked leaves under magnolia tree. I did it to connect with the ground when it is too cold to go barefoot. I don't recommend it for walking on concrete. Then I hung a picture over the toilet, and a pair on either side of the mirror. It was such a nice day, that I went back outside to sweep tree droppings off of the porch. I intended to call Bob about the backed up sink, so I cleaned the sink area so he could work. I forgot to call Bob. I took a bowl outside to cut a salad from the yard. I cut oxalis, mint, deadnettle, chickweed, clover and dandelion. It was a good salad. I also added some things from the frig. I checked the front porch to see if the rest of my supplement order came. No. I had to put in another order because today was the last day to get free shipping. Then I went down to finish sewing the strip sets. I could have stopped there and been ready for class on Saturday where she is going to show us how to make the pattern pieces and cut the strips. But I just couldn't wait to see how it turns out. I made a good guess at how to do the pattern pieces yesterday and today I cut a new set, hopefully more accurate. Then I played with the arrangement until I found one that fit in a 7 inch repeat. I had forgotten that seam allowances were not included in the pieces so had to put them farther apart. I drew lines on each piece where it crossed a seam line. Then I started cutting. I heard Chris come home and fix himself supper. I had been thinking all day about whether or not to go to choir practice. I was putting off the decision. When the lines on the pieces stopped matching up (can't figure out why), I quit. I went up to greet Chris. I got an e-mail from the lady who had my purple quilt. She wants to meet me tomorrow and gave me the amount. I am almost out of checks, so I asked Chris where they were. He showed me the spot in the computer room, but they weren't there. So we searched. But time was short, and I decided to go to choir practice. The director invited me personally. I was worried I might miss the place in the dark, but the sign was well-lit and I couldn't have missed it. It was nice to be singing again, but the choir as a whole is not strong. Many people do not read music. And they made a big deal over me. It was a little embarrassing. Several people pointed out that they prayed for an alto, here I come, an answer to prayer. (Obviously God's answer was "No". ) I studied music in college. I can look at a note, tell you the name, what chord it is in, what part of the chord it is, whether the chord is inverted and what inversion it is, the key, the clef, where it falls in the scale, everything but the most important thing: what it sounds like. My dad can do that. Why didn't I inherit that ability?
When I got home, Chris and I watched several more episodes of B5. Then we went to bed...and and I fell asleep without posting to my blog. In the morning, I looked for the checks again, but with no luck. Chris thinks I moved them. I'd like to be able to say that I would remember if I had moved them, but sadly, there is no guarantee.

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