Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hurray - it's quilted!

As I was reading my e-mail after my breakfast and shower, I remembered my blog. After I posted, I went looking for the checks again since I needed to write one for Linda Thompson. I found them in a box that we had mailed ahead of us from Korea. That means I DID NOT move the checks and then forget where I moved them to. I wrote one for Linda, and met her at the church to pick up my quilt. She did a great job. The edge-to-edge was just right in size and design. She was very complimentary about my piecing.
Then I went to the bank, and drove through a few nearby shopping centers to see what was around. I stopped at Fresh Market. It is bigger than the one near my parents but poorer in selection. They did not have the raw organic cheese, or organic coconut milk. I bought a lemon and mustard. When I got home, I picked greens for salad, ate it for lunch. There was more e-mail to read. My new friend Cyndi sent me a lot more links to articles on Monsanto, chemtrails, and other conspiracies. I watched the video on HAARP. Scary stuff. But what can you expect when the people in charge are making their decisions based on fear rather than wisdom? I had to get some fresh air. I raked three boxes of leaves and collected a box of twigs and branches. It was warm enough to go barefoot. Back inside, I finished cutting out quilt pieces from the strip sets. I arranged and sewed one wedge, realized that one piece was turned the wrong way so it did not give the look I intended. So now I have to decide whether to use it anyway, or make another strip and re-cut all the #2 pieces. Hearing Chris upstairs, I quit for the night and went up for supper. I had celery with hummus. I cleared out a few more emails, and then we went down to watch "Forbidden Planet" and two episodes of B5. Now it is just blog and bed.

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