Wednesday, October 24, 2012

D-link problem solved

There were several audios from yesterday in addition to the 5 EFT audios I expected. But there were 6 of them plus two bonus ones. It was lunchtime before I finished those. Losing my internet connection because of the short in the D-link cable did not help. Our being here in Huntsville for a year reminded me that I have been using the D-link for a year, too. I decided that I deserve a laptop that doesn't need hangy things like the D-link. So I went looking on-line for a computer repair place to fix whatever it is inside my laptop so it will get signal from the router. When I found a place, I e-mailed Chris to see what he thought. Waiting for his reply, I gathered up sticks in the yard and deposited them next to the property line for the neighbor to put in his chipper/shredder. He uses it for mulch. I brewed tea for kombucha in the crock pot then left it to cool. I scrubbed the toilets. At 3, I drove to Allison's place to buy honey from her bees and eggs from her chickens. When I got back, I called the computer place and looked up its address. Turns out it is a private residence and all I got was an answering machine. I left a message and my number. When Chris got home, he was able to get my laptop back on line. He also showed me how to plug the D-link directly into my laptop WITHOUT the hangy thing. This is so much better. I started listening to an audio, but had to stop it in the middle to go to the church. I played some hymns on my trombone for the choir director and then choir practice started. She said there would be no practice next week because of Halloween, so we have to practice ahead for the next Sunday. So I left after the first piece. When I got home, I continued the audio until Chris was ready to watch TV. We watched two episodes of Warehouse 13 plus some bonus stuff about them getting stuck in a comic book. Around 10 he shut it off, saving the rest for tomorrow. As he set out his clothes for tomorrow, I started composing this blog post.

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