Wednesday, October 17, 2012

FQ - Arrrgh!!!

I spent the morning doing the usual things - exercise, breakfast, e-mail. Today the tapping audios I was looking for were delivered. Apparently I was not the only one who did not get them. But whatever they did to fix it worked. But it meant that I had three days of audios to get through instead of one. Still, each one was under half an hour, so by late afternoon I was finished. I took an outdoor break around lunchtime. I swept leaves off of the deck. I used the leafblower to clear the patio. I tried on the grass, but that did not work so well. So I used a rake. I plucked a certain weed from the lawn. I don't know the name of it, but it produces lots of seeds. If I mow it short, then it learns to grow short and go to seed immediately. I hate it. So it doesn't bother me to spend time plucking it from the back lawn. It was here in the spring, disappeared over the summer and now is back. But it only grows in the sunny spots. After a few more audios, I practiced the choir piece on the piano and I played through my trombone piece, too. I took a shower and sat in the den to meditate. Chris came home for supper. I went back to my laptop for a bit, and then it was time to leave for choir practice. It was fairly low key. The director let me play the piece I practiced, but for some reason my heart was pounding and I couldn't control my fingers. She might have regretted letting me play. She did not ask me to play any of the other pieces. After practice, she showed me the small aprons she found. They will be great for little kids doing crafts. Then Shannon showed me more craft supplies and some Christmas kits. By the time I got home, it was almost 9. Chris did not want to watch TV, so I quickly cleared new e-mail, then took my laptop downstairs to listen while sewing. I tried free-motion quilting again. The top thread broke regularly. I tried decreasing the tension, using stronger thread, changing the needle, enlarging the hole in the mat, and increasing the speed of the needle. But none of that worked. I had almost given up when it occurred to me to use the feed dog cover plate. I did not think I need it because the mat covered the feed dogs. But it is slightly raised, and it did seem to help. But by then it was after 11. So I took my laptop upstairs to post to my blog and go to bed. * Paducah quilt *

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