Saturday, October 20, 2012

Getting ready for Sunday

There were another 5 tapping audios today. I listened to 4 of them since one was on either smoking or business. Those I skip. I hotglued a piece of foam sheet to a plastic sprout container. It held well, so I considered that to be proof that when we do it in Sunday School tomorrow it will work. I packed the three plastic containers in a bag for Sunday. One of them had sharp edges so I had to use the grinder installed in the garage. I also put in some craft sticks and a piece of blue foam. I put the bag in my car. I juiced up the remaining veggies in the frig. I also picked some greens from the yard and threw them in. I made veggie pops. Then Chris and I went to Publix for our weekly groceries and fixin's for the piano sandwich. When I got home, I hardboiled some eggs. Chris did laundry. Then he used the leftover chicken to make chicken soup. I made egg salad and used it in 4 sandwiches. That was as far as I could go since assembling the sandwich keys on the board would not fit in the frig. I will have to get up early tomorrow to finish the 'keyboard'. I put some of the soup in a bowl with quinoa. I went outside to see if I could find a ripe tomato. There was a partially ripe one and I ate it. The neighbor boy came over with his friend. He talks like he has had too much caffeine. Ah, to be so young and energetic! When he left, I went inside and ate the soup. Chris started gaming with his on-line friends and Michele. I went in the basement to cut some squares of yellow fabric, and collect other supplies for a second Sunday School project. I have them sitting by my purse so they will get taken out to the car. I read several chapters of "Change your brain, change your body". Then I put together a Swansons supplements order. I also ordered organic coconut flakes. It wasn't quite enough to qualify for Super Saver Shipping, so Chris suggested "Big Trouble..." on DVD. I saw a quilt on-line that is being offered as a BOM and kit for $25 a month. I did not see where you could buy just the pattern, so I got out my graph paper and drew the center and several blocks. Who needs a pattern when I have graph paper? But I did not get to work on it, 'cause it is late now and time for bed.

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