Monday, October 15, 2012

Musical Monday

Since it rained last night, my first act this morning was to check the basement for leaks. There were none. Next on the agenda was e-mail. I found one half hour audio I hadn't listened to yet, but its window was open. So I listened to it, and it put me to sleep. Later, I had breakfast and read the rest of my e-mail. I researched the internet for Christmas crafts for Sunday School. Oh, yes, and I did exercise too. But first I had to finish folding the laundry which was laying on top of the rebounder. I found some yarn in the basement that I bought last year to make myself a winter scarf. I planned to work on it while listening to the EFT audios that were supposed to start today. But I did not get any e-mails for them. I installed the new filter for my shower head. I practiced my trombone. I worked outside sweeping leaves off of the deck, and cleaning out the garden. Someone put down black plastic sheets years ago. They were covered with years of dirt and roots, and were falling apart. So I dug it them out as best as I could. I also mowed the grass inside the fence. Then I sat at the piano to work on the choir piece for Wednesday night. I can play chords by the letter name easier than by trying to read the notes, so I determined the chord for each measure in the music and wrote it at the beginning of the measure. Then I practiced playing the parts, which are not in the piano accompaniment. I worked until the sun came through the west window and shone in my eyes. Then I went back to e-mail, but it wasn't long before Chris came home. He put gas in my car on his way. We had leftovers for supper. I cleaned out the dishwasher and put the few dirty dishes in. I found an audio on super foods to listen to while Chris played his game. Why are the super foods so super expensive? Then we watched episodes of MASH until bedtime. I found a roach waiting for me when I came upstairs. But he got away while I was grabbing the flyswatter. Then Chris found him and stabbed him with a plate. I smacked him (the roach) for good measure and threw the body in the trash. Chris brought me a pair of his suit pants that ripped in the seat. He wanted to know if I could fix it. Since there was no matching fabric for a patch, I told him to wear black underwear under it from now on. * No pics today so here is the next one from Paducah *

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