Sunday, October 21, 2012

The alarm went off at 7:30. I had a little trouble getting out of bed. But then I showered, fixed breakfast and ran through e-mail. After I dressed, I pulled out the sandwiches from last night. I cut them into piano keys and used the pumpernickel to make black keys. Then I arranged them on a small decorative shelf. Chris offered to bring it to church later so all I had to carry was my Sunday School stuff. I set my two bags in the craft room and went to the craft closet in another room to get markers. All the markers were stuffed in a large bin. I did not need them all, but there was no way to transport a smaller collection. So I took the whole thing. Back in the craft room I pulled out a few for the kids to use. There were only two 3-year-olds and there were two adults with them - a wonderful adult to child ratio. They tried cutting the foam, but the adults had to do it for them. They did 'draw' Jesus and the disciples on craft sticks, and they marked up the paper sails. I hotglued the sails to straws, and the straws to the inside of the plastic containers. On one side I glued a straight strip of blue foam like a calm sea, and on the other side a wavy strip like a stormy sea. After making the boats, I covered their hands with orange paint and had them put their handprint in the middle of a square of yellow fabric. Eventually all the kids will make one and they will go into a quilt for the fellowship hall.
I cleaned up the room after they left, and took the projects to the fellowship hall to be passed back to the kids during the closing. I also put the markers away and sat in church to wait for Chris. I had burned my fingers with the hot glue and I tapped for the pain and blistering. I was disappointed with the results, but by the end of the day there was no sign of burning. Today was Harvest Sunday so there were veggies up by the altar. The children sang a thanksgiving song instead of the choir. After the service, refreshments were served in the fellowship hall, including the piano sandwich which Chris brought in. I got many compliments on it. Roz, who played the organ this morning turned 85. She got the last sandwich. Chris left before me to stop on the way home. I stayed until the sandwich was gone, and then brought the shelf home. We ate lunch, then spent time with our laptops. I raked leaves in the front yard and in the back for fresh air. Then we took a walk around the neighborhood. After more computer time, we ate supper and I folded laundry. Then we watched episodes of MASH until bedtime. Chris fixed up a care package for Michele and I posted to my blog before turning in for the night.

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