Monday, April 1, 2013

April birthdays

I don't remember when I got up, but I was dreaming vividly. Had I written it down then, I might remember now. Anyway, I read e-mail and fixed breakfast. I did not exercise because the rebounder was full of laundry. Clean laundry, thank you. After breakfast, I watched two tapping videos, and then packed for quilting at the church. Seaweed, a hardboiled egg, and an orange were for lunch. My green and white squares made a good take-along project. I arrived about 11. Barbara was writing on the whiteboard the names of the ladies who have birthdays this month. There was a cake and cupcakes on the table at the front. I set up my stuff and walked around to see what everyone else was doing. Bertha was working on a quilt called Ripples and Reflections. Apparently it was a class with a kit so everyone who took it will make the exact same quilt. We sewed and ironed and talked. Ladies came and ladies went. We sang Happy Birthday and ate cake. I ate seaweed. I offered to make Doris an embroidered label for her quilt. And we sewed some more. I got six blocks done before I left at 4:30. I ate some leftovers, then fixed a large salad and ate it outside in the waning sunlight. Chris came home with his drycleaning. He made twice-baked potatoes for supper. I had half of one. I put some of the laundry away. I read a quilt magazine that came in the mail. I watched one more tapping video. It was about getting excited to finish a project. I guess it worked 'cause I didn't even finish the video before I was in the basement working on the quilt labels. Afterwhile Chris came down and we watched episodes of Eureka, including a Christmas special where they go through being Christmas toys, claymation, comic book characters, and manga.

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