Friday, April 26, 2013

Amazing quilts!

I spent the night listening to the mumbling TV of the people in the next room. They must have fallen asleep with it on. I did get some sleep, but around 7:10, being awake and having given up on falling asleep again, I got up. I washed up and got dressed. Then I woke Cathy up. As she got ready, I read e-mail. Then we knocked on Judy's door. The four of us went to the resort restaurant (rather rustic) for breakfast. I ordered tomato juice and ate one of my prepared breakfasts. We sat and chatted over our food. Then we went back to the lodge to grab a few things for the day. Judy and Julie went ahead in their car. Cathy and I went a few minutes later. Rebecca left around 7 for her 8:30 class. We set the GPS for Carson Park to see Eleanor Burns tent show. We found a parking place without too much trouble. And we found seats in the back, which were filling up quickly. El came and stood at the back, waiting to begin her show. I took her pic with Cathy. Julie and Judy had not shown up. Apparently their GPS was taking them in circles. But when they showed up, we had an extra seat so Cathy stood up. She had a better view than any of us. And she used her telephoto lens so she got great pics, too. People left the show early and I wondered why. But immediately after the show, we went to the building to look at her fabrics, books and gismos. The place was packed. Plenty of people had been hired to cut, and to check out, but still there were such lines that I could not shop. Rebecca called to say the best part of her class was over, and she wanted to hang out with us. Cathy wanted to buy a piece of fabric, but as soon as she was done, we went over to the convention center. We entered the bubble building from the back. We worked our way back and forth towards the front. Rebecca joined us. At the end, Rebecca went back to the exhibition hall and Cathy stayed to hem and haw over the kaleidoscope software. I was very intrigued, but was hesitant to spend the money for that when I would also have to buy special printer fabric sheets to print the cool designs on. I needed to go to the restroom, so I headed for the main hall. I saw Joan and Barbara on the way out. They recommended El Burns warehouse. I went to the restroom on the second floor. Then I called Rebecca and we met up to look at the quilts up there. At 2:40 I thought we should get our names in the drawing for a free machine. The drawing was at 3. We met Cathy there and put our names in. Then we wandered around the main exhibit to see anything we hadn't seen before. Our phones never rang so we did not win a machine. But we did see Alex Anderson. I took pics of Cathy and Alex. Cathy and I both signed up for more of her show and we got magazines and free season DVD's as well. Then we moved on to Ricky Tims' booth. While waiting for him, we talked to Justin and took pics. After more wandering and making sure we hadn't missed anything, we went back to the upper exhibition hall. Cathy and I looked on the quilt side and Rebecca and Tammy looked on the vendor side. Then we went to the secondary exhibition hall. There we saw the tent makers of Cairo. Their quilts are amazing! All applique, and some cording, I think. When the four of us met back up, we got in Rebecca's car and she drove us to our cars. We met at Hancocks to reconoitre, then headed to a Mexican restaurant that Justin recommended. We had a nice meal. Cathy and I split a big bowl of some Aztec thing. After supper, she and I left for our hotel. We drove to the resort, and met Judy and Julie at their room. Judy came back up to ours and we watched pics on Cathy's computer. After she left, Cathy uploaded her pics to my computer and I uploaded my camera pics to hers. We settled accounts for the room and tickets and fabric. We all shared the pens whose ink disappears when you iron it. Cathy went to bed, while I blogged and Rebecca did something on her smart phone.
* from the tent makers of Cairo *

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