Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Basket case

This blog post is a little late because I was soooo tired last night. How did that happen? Well, the morning was an abbreviated version of my usual, but I did get in my three little bouts of exercise, which might have been a mistake. Did not hurt at the time. I packed my lunch and the green quilt project, including fabrics that needed to be cut. I think I arrived just after 11. The ladies were gathered and busily sewing. I got to see Lauri's quilt spread out a little more. And Bertha's, but I didn't get a pic of it so I hope she brings it back. She and Barbara attended a woven basket class that yielded some pretty cool results. See pic. I packed up around 3 because it was a sunny day and I wanted to do more mowing while the weather was good. So I did. And it did not hurt at the time. That might have been my second mistake. I also pulled weeds after the mower quit for the day. It is probably a good thing that it limits the amount of time I can mow. I went back to e-mail, which I had been neglecting. Chris came home from work. He fixed his supper and I fixed mine, very slowly. At this point I was exhausted. But I forced myself to pick some dandelion, oxalis, and violet blossoms for my salad. After we ate, we went to Home Depot for garden stuff and ant killer. Yes, that was my idea. I wanted to do it tonight because I am busy for the next few nights. The ants have suddenly built little towns of sand along all the cracks in the pavement. I remember how bad they were last year and want to make a preemptive strike this year. After Home Depot, we watched two episodes of Bones, finishing that DVD which came from Netflix. Then I went to bed thoroughly tired. One thing I forgot to mention that MIGHT have something to do with being tired, is waking up in the middle of the night hearing 'boing, boing, boing'. It moved around the room, and it was near the bed. My mind raced to find an explanation. It seemed too heavy for an insect, so I came up with: tiny kangaroo, or leprechaun on a pogo stick. I tried to wake Chris by grabbing his arm, but he slept on. Later when he did wake up, he doubted both of my ideas, supposing it to be a cricket or grasshopper.

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