Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Still sore after all these days

Last night was quiet and I got a full night's sleep. So much sleep that it was nearly 9:30 when I got up. I was greeted by the smell of onions. Chris put beans, spices, canned tomatoes (from his mom), onions, and ground beef in the crock pot before he went to work. The aroma was with me all day. So were my sore calves. I skipped exercise and stuck with e-mail and tapping videos. After breakfast, I folded laundry while listening to an audio. I also cleaned up chili juice where the crockpot overflowed all over the counter, the dishwasher and floor. This has not happened before. I placed a jellyroll pan under the crockpot to avoid a mess in the future. Since the lawn seemed only a day away from being fully mowed, I got out the lawn mower. However I wasn't quite able to finish it before the battery ran down. Then I took a shower and laid down to rest and listen to a meditation CD so I would have energy for later. When the meditation CD had finished, I was disappointed not to have fallen asleep. So I let the player go on to the next one (it holds 6). Part of the way through, I heard my phone ring. What is odd about that is that MaryAnn called me multiple times yesterday and today but I never heard the phone ring. But now, resting in the back bedroom, my ears covered with large headphones, listening to music, in a semi-conscious state, I heard the phone in my purse ring out in the den. We chatted until Chris came home. He must have been early because he had time to scatter the ant bait before he came in the house. He was not sorry to find me wrapped in a towel, lying on the bed, talking on the phone. But I guess the smell of bean chili got the best of him, because once he changed out of his suit, he headed for the kitchen. I had a bowl of soup too. Then I grabbed my things for the quilt meeting and headed out. I was there on time for once, but we started late because Deb was waiting for Amanda. It was a meeting chock full of upcoming activities; one of which is a display our group is doing at the main library. Deb wants to display her QR code quilt which takes the person who scans it to our website. Well, I haven't quilted it yet because my quilt frame is still a greenhouse. I guess I will just have to disassemble it and hope the temps don't drop. ("No disassemble. Number 5 alive!") After the meeting, Rebecca and I sat together to talk about the BOM for last month. On the way home, I stopped at the Asian store for kimbap, sprouts, and fermented soybeans. When I got home, Chris was ready to watch TV. We saw several episodes of Bones from season 3. He checked them out of the library after reserving seasons 1 and 2. Then he went to bed, and I am trying to catch up on e-mail and blogging.
* This is a Eli's quilted elephant *

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